We want to know how you are!
If you are one of those who receive the Life & Health survey in your mailbox, we would very much like you to answer. Your answer is important!
From mid-February, an invitation to participate in the survey will be sent out to 17,000 randomly selected people. The sample has been drawn from Statistics Sweden’s register among persons who are 18 years or older and who live in Örebro County.
Why do we do the survey and how do we use the results?
The Life & Health survey has been conducted since 2000 and provides us with an unique basis to follow the development of health over time. The survey includes questions about health, living habits and living conditions and this year also some questions due to the corona pandemic. The results from the survey are presented in late autumn and are used in Region Örebro County's work to create good and equal health for everyone who lives in Örebro County.
Thank you for answering!
Hade du nytta av innehållet på denna sida?
Hur kan vi göra sidan bättre?
Tack för din återkoppling!
Senast uppdaterad: den 11 februari 2022